

You Can Help Stop Bruising Easily With A Good Exercise Program!

Posted by Admin Sunday, September 6, 2015

By Jan Doan

Injuring yourself through the course of a day or week is not rare - we've all walked into a coffee table or given ourselves a paper cut. Bruises, also known as contusions, occur when the blood vessels have ruptured usually due to blunt force, and for some folks, it doesn't take much. These purplish marks are embarrassing dependent on their location and can be quite painful through the healing process, but most of you don't seem to worry too much when you get a bruise.

The predilection to bruise varies with age, where young children are quite hard to bruise while older adults can acquire bruises easily- seemingly without reason because of the combination of aged capillaries and thinner skin. Medications can also influence whether or not you will bruise easily, and with blood thinning medications like Coumadin increase your risk.

There are a variety of medical issues that can contribute to people bruising, but also seemingly normal persons can be more apt to bruise. There are things to be done to fix this problem. Firstly, it is important to look over your diet to see if there any deficiencies. Not getting enough vitamin C and vitamin K, as well as iron, can all contribute to making you weaker and subject to be easily bruised.

So you've been evaluated by your family doctor and, fortunately, there isn't anything medically wrong with you. Bruising a lot can make you feel as though you're weaker and the reality is, you actually are. Your body isn't strong enough to handle outside stressors. What can you do to fix it? Start an exercise program. If you're not used to being physically active, starting with a low-impact exercise program is the best course of action. Low impact activities are easy on your body and don't harm your joints. You can start by taking walks around your neighborhood or going for swims. Water resistance makes your body work harder all while making sure your joints remain untaxed.

Does this sound easy? It is! Find any way for your body to be more active that doesn't exert you too much, and you can begin to train your body to be more coordinated and less likely to walk into things, and also your metabolism will be working at a higher pace than it did beforehand.

Getting used to moving more, you'll probably want to challenge your body even more, and the way to do that is with aerobic activity. Go out dancing with your friends, play volleyball, train for a race - it's up to you what activity you choose. The consequence of your aerobic exercise is an increase in your heart rate which will burn more calories by forcing your muscles to work harder to propel you forward. Outside of any weight loss you might experience, your energy levels will be through the roof because your metabolism will be burning at a much higher level. All of this strengthens your cardiovascular system, which as you know, includes your blood vessels. If the walls of your capillaries are stronger, you won't tend to bruise as easily.

The benefits of exercise are triple fold, and your body will thank you by becoming more flexible, stronger, able to work for longer periods of time, and being strong enough for you that you won't have to walk around embarrassed because you're covered in unsightly, purple bruises.

Changing your lifestyle to include a good exercise program will help reduce bruising by strengthening your muscles, your heart and circulatory system (especially your capillaries). In addition to your exercise program, you would be well advised to add the all natural Bruises Be Banned daily supplement program that has helped people all over the world overcome their tendency to bruise easily.

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