Some dermatologists assure that anti aging laser treatments will be the solution for stretch marks. Laser treatments are short, painless and then they will don't leave scars. The laser penetrates your skin layer, the incalescence so it produces in the deep layers of your skin does that the elasticity increases. The end result a softer and uniform skin and it will be a possibility improve the stretch marks with just the one treatment however the advisable thing is to practice it in many different sessions.
Laser treatments generally don't repair the rupture of many skin tissue, this does that a few dermatologists don't only laser treatments for stretch marks, some of them prefer to use the combination of laser and collagen treatments what believes that must be more effective.
With using the laser it is probable to regenerate the collagen in the skin inside an easier way and most especially inside the most recent and reddish stretch marks, it is important that when these appear they may be treated quickly, because the set off the 1st stage are extremely better than handling older or white stretch marks.
During the laser process of stretch marks elimination, a bunch of of illumination removes the translucent layers of skin that surround the stretch marks; laser is unique as long as results because of this procedure that compared to burning or cutting the affected skin areas, as others types of treatments does, the laser uses an ultraviolet light of high energy disrupt the molecular unions of your cutaneous tissue, making this to disintegrate by means of a process known as ablation.
When the laser elimination of a typical stretch marks is finished, the zone of treatment will heal quickly and new layers of healthy skin will form, the stretch marks will have disappeared along with a young and healthy aspect will probably be achieved.
Immediately after the elimination of the stretch marks with laser, the affected area will remain red and sensitive, simply because of the indisputable fact that the layers of skin with scars could have been eliminated and the new skin will begin to grow; sometimes there can appear blisters along with typical burns symptoms, but this temporary, most of the patients heals during the course of a few days, although there have known cases where in healing took some weeks, particularly, the cases that had needed a more extensive treatment.
In most cases, the elimination of stretch marks with laser is extremely effective, as it happens with any other technique, the success will depend on the predominance and on the antiquity of the stretch marks used: the older and marked stretch marks are usually more hard to treat; often, the patients need at least 10 sessions of treatment and eliminate them completely; under the most serious cases, even a sequence of sessions of treatment with laser will be able in order to curtail the severity of the stretch marks in contrast to eliminating them completely put every case is different.
Crucial benefit from the elimination of the stretch marks with laser is its efficacy, the treatment has a high rate of satisfaction involving the patients plus it is incredibly safe, laser is controlled by big precision and the probability of which it produces injuries is extremely low; finally, this procedure is less invasive than those of corporal sculpture like the face-lift of abdomen, it needs less time of recovery, the cost is less and has less potential complications.
Laser treatments generally don't repair the rupture of many skin tissue, this does that a few dermatologists don't only laser treatments for stretch marks, some of them prefer to use the combination of laser and collagen treatments what believes that must be more effective.
With using the laser it is probable to regenerate the collagen in the skin inside an easier way and most especially inside the most recent and reddish stretch marks, it is important that when these appear they may be treated quickly, because the set off the 1st stage are extremely better than handling older or white stretch marks.
During the laser process of stretch marks elimination, a bunch of of illumination removes the translucent layers of skin that surround the stretch marks; laser is unique as long as results because of this procedure that compared to burning or cutting the affected skin areas, as others types of treatments does, the laser uses an ultraviolet light of high energy disrupt the molecular unions of your cutaneous tissue, making this to disintegrate by means of a process known as ablation.
When the laser elimination of a typical stretch marks is finished, the zone of treatment will heal quickly and new layers of healthy skin will form, the stretch marks will have disappeared along with a young and healthy aspect will probably be achieved.
Immediately after the elimination of the stretch marks with laser, the affected area will remain red and sensitive, simply because of the indisputable fact that the layers of skin with scars could have been eliminated and the new skin will begin to grow; sometimes there can appear blisters along with typical burns symptoms, but this temporary, most of the patients heals during the course of a few days, although there have known cases where in healing took some weeks, particularly, the cases that had needed a more extensive treatment.
In most cases, the elimination of stretch marks with laser is extremely effective, as it happens with any other technique, the success will depend on the predominance and on the antiquity of the stretch marks used: the older and marked stretch marks are usually more hard to treat; often, the patients need at least 10 sessions of treatment and eliminate them completely; under the most serious cases, even a sequence of sessions of treatment with laser will be able in order to curtail the severity of the stretch marks in contrast to eliminating them completely put every case is different.
Crucial benefit from the elimination of the stretch marks with laser is its efficacy, the treatment has a high rate of satisfaction involving the patients plus it is incredibly safe, laser is controlled by big precision and the probability of which it produces injuries is extremely low; finally, this procedure is less invasive than those of corporal sculpture like the face-lift of abdomen, it needs less time of recovery, the cost is less and has less potential complications.
About the Author:
Learn more about Stretch Mark Laser Removal. Stop by Beauty Secret site where you can find out all about How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks Fast and what it can do for you.