

Exercise and Weight Loss

Posted by Admin Thursday, November 24, 2011

By Greg White

Exercise and weight control are pretty much a package deal, simply because it's near impossible to lose weight and keep it off without exercising. But plenty of people just HATE the idea of exercising daily. They abhor sweating, hate that burning feeling in their muscles, hate the nuisance of having to go to a gymnasium, hate the entire "fitness" way of life.

Are you one of those folks?

If that is so I've got some good news for you today. You DO NOT have to become a fitness fanatic to lose weight and keep it off. In fact , it's very possible to begin to enjoy exercise. Don't believe me? Try these suggestions:

Exercise and Weight Loss Tip 1 - Make it Good Fun

There are many activities that might double as a workout, like jumping on a trampoline, riding a bicycle, swimming, and playing a sport. Come up with some fun physical hobbies that you can enjoy without feeling like you are "exercising" in the standard sense of the word.

Exercise and Weight Control Tip 2 - Make it Flexible

You can make a commitment that you're going to be active for an hour everyday and choose your activities spontaneously. As an example, if you get to work 10 minutes early, you may choose to take a fast walk around the building before clocking in to work. After work you might choose to go to the mall, and power walk once around each level before doing your shopping. At the supermarket you may choose to park your vehicle way at the far end of the lot so you've got to walk farther to get to the store. All these tiny bits of activity actually add up!

Exercise and Weight Reduction Tip 3 - Multitask

You can work out while you are doing other stuff, like doing stomach crunches while watching TV, or buttock clenches while standing at the sink washing dishes. If you sit at a desk all day, keep a small set of dumbbells in your desk drawer so that you can lift them for 1 or 2 minutes several times per day. If you sit behind the wheel of an automobile or van all day, attempt to get out and walk around for no less than 5-10 minutes whenever your are able to.

Exercise does not have to be unpleasant or a time drain! You just have to discover ways to fit it in with the remainder of your activities.

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